Playing with ES6 (and React)



For the last two years, I’ve heard a lot about ES6 : on blog posts, videos, attending at meetups … It was like I knew it already but never really used it … I felt that it was time to get my hands dirty and get on board with this new version of JavaScript – which will be the one we’ll be using in the next years – as some of you will point out : “are already using …”.

As I also wanted to try React (same : heard a lot about it just as if I knew it, but never really wrote any line of code with it). My POC’s endgoal is to do an isomorphic app (server-side rendering, same code running on client and server), for the moment, I finished the client-side part.

Checkout the demo

Using Webpack

Webpack takes your modules (and all their dependencies) then creates a bundle out of them. Since you can run multiple transformers, it will be able to handle ES6 modules, jsx, sass/scssMore infos on Webpack.

Setting up .js and .jsx transpiling (turning ES6 to ES5) using Babel was the easy part. But I also wanted sass stylesheets, with sourceMaps support and not having to require them via js (but in a regular link tag). This part of the Webpack documentation lacks informations (I don’t even know if I did it right, though, it works – as well in dev as in build prod …).

Coding in ES6

At first, it feels like you’re coding in a whole new language (at least, not in JavaScript) 😉 . Using import, export, class, extends … But after all, this is only syntactic sugar, which you would have added by yourself with your own tools or a third party library. Now it’s built-in (this may let JavaScript more accessible to Java/C like devs 😉 ).

Using React

I’ve been using Angular for a long time now. We all know its drawbacks … Some devs are even switching to React for its performances. This is why I was interested in the library (that and the server-side rendering part).

One of the good things in React is it forces you to think “Component” (not the first library to do that – a lot of them are converging towards this concept). You need to know where you’ll keep your state, which part of your app will be mutable, which one will be immutable.


I achieved my goal as I finished this part of my project : coding a POC in ES6, using React. You can see more of the steps on the github repository of topheman/react-es6. The next step will be to use this project to make some server-side rendering (since I used npm packages available for front and back such as superagent, I should be able to take the project “as is”).

You should try ES6, it’s fun to code with and we are seeing it more and more in libraries source code – why not in yours ?


PS : The backend of topheman/react-es6 is based on topheman-apis-proxy, a project I made to handle my public APIs. Check it out on github if you’re interested in. I hosted it on heroku, so the VM takes about 3s to warm up when it’s asleep …

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